“Fellowship is a church that is structured around small groups. We are not a church that ‘has’ small groups; we are a church ‘of’ small groups. Since we believe that small groups are the main atmosphere for Christian growth and discipleship, we want all of our members to be engaged in these communities. In short, small groups are a BIG DEAL here at Fellowship.” - Fellowship Discovery Booklet
Hello! Listed below are our current small groups. If you would like to get connected to one, contact us and let us know which group you are interested in and we will get you in contact with the leader(s) of that group!
Connect Small Group
- Group Web Page: Access all the up-to-date info for the small group.
- Leaders: Jason and Stephanie MacDonald
- Meeting Day: Wednesdays at 6:00 PM (6-6:30 PM We share a meal, 6:30-7:45 PM is our study time), Meeting Every Week (except for when the church has scheduled events on a Wednesday night like the prayer & testimony service)
- Address: At the church, 332 E Main St (now meeting on the first floor at the back of the sanctuary)
- Group Topic: We begin a new study beginning April 3rd, 2024 on "The Parables of Jesus in Chronological Order". This will likely take us through the rest of 2024 as there are thirty three parables according to the resource we are using "The Blue Letter Bible". The plan is to also have several leaders/elders in the mix teaching these so we can get more well rounded teaching and insights.
- Open to Everyone: Singles, Couples, Empty Nesters, Widowed, Parents dropping off teenagers (youth ministry/mid-week), Non-believers
- Childcare: Childcare is provided/paid for by the group members.
Young Adult Bible Study
- Leaders: Grace Melton
- Meeting Day: Sundays 5:30 PM - 7 PM (Starting October 6th, 2024)
- Address: Meeting on the Third Floor of the Church (Landers)
- Group Topic: TBD
Adams/Cloningers Small Group
- Leaders: Troy and Danielle Adams, Ryan and Cara Cloninger
- Meeting Day: Sundays at 5:00 Meeting Every Week
- Address: 2368 Lee Street
- Group Topic: Sermon Discussion/Bible Study.
- Childcare: No childcare provided, but children are welcome.
Frensley (Young at Heart) Small Group
- Leaders: Les and Mary Beth Frensley
- Meeting Day: Sundays 9AM, Meeting Every Week
- Address: 276 E Main St, Batesville, AR 72501 (church offices)
- Group Topic: Sermon Discussion
- Childcare: Please provide your own childcare.
*(Starting January 10th, 2024 we are also meeting every second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month from 5:30-6:30 pm at the Independence County Library, for a study of the book of Revelation)
Neddo/Griffin Small Group
- Leaders: Marc and Alisha Neddo, Tyler and Monica Griffin
- Meeting Day: Sundays at 5:30, Meeting 2 Times Each Month
- Address: 50 Woodlands Circle
- Group Topic: "A Journey to Victorious Praying." By Bill Thrasher
- Childcare: Childcare is provided by the group members.