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Fellowship Kids

Here at Fellowship Kids, our mission is to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Jesus by partnering with families. The vision of Fellowship Kids is to be a vibrant, Gospel-centered ministry so filled with joy and life that our witness overflows into our community, bringing spiritual, social, and cultural renewal. We plan to do this by carrying out our values of teaching the Bible creatively, prioritizing positive relationships, teaching kids about Jesus at their level, creating a safe place to learn, partnering with parents, and bringing the fun on Sunday mornings!

*Children's Christmas Choir 2024  Click Here to download the Children's Christmas Choir Calendar!

2s, 3s, & 4s classes meet every Sunday and are enjoying using curriculum by The Beginner's Bible The 4s class begins after worship on the second floor

K-1st graders meet 1st-3rd Sundays after worship on the second floor and follow the Explore the Bible curriculum 

2nd-3rd graders meet 1st-3rd Sundays after worship on the second floor and are diving into Brite Curriculum by Awana. Take advantage of their Friday Family Email by signing up here.

The 4th and 5th graders meet 1st-3rd Sundays after worship on the third floor and are going through the New City Catechism lessons

Fourth and Fifth Sundays of the month are Family Sundays. That means K-5th kids stay in the main service for the worship and message. Busy bags are available in the lobby.

For any questions, feel free to email the Director of Children's Ministry at