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Fellowship Kids Environment


Children, Infants-5th Grade, will experience God's truth and love every Sunday. We want kids to be so excited about the lessons and friendships here that they actually drag you to church!

All of our classrooms teach the Bible by walking through every major Bible Story. We spend time in the Old and New Testaments. Everything we do is intended to help your child’s faith grow. Not only will kids encounter the gospel in every lesson, but they are immersed in the foundations of the Christian faith.

The goal is for children to understand that the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but God’s unified love story with people. His great love is demonstrated most clearly through Jesus who was sent to rescue us through the cross.

The safety of your children is our #1 priority.

All Fellowship Kids volunteers in the classrooms must clearly display their badge when volunteering in our program. All volunteers are required to complete the following before they are able to serve with Fellowship Kids:

• State background check.

• Volunteer information on our mission, vision, and values, as well as our policies and procedures.

Our Fellowship Kids volunteer team is carefully screened. We also have video cameras installed in all main hallways and a security team member monitoring classrooms and hallways, so that we can keep eyes on your children at all times.

Our volunteer team realizes that they are expected to be a good role model for all children. The goal is to develop healthy friendships where children see a living example of someone who teaches them about Jesus and also is living out the Christian faith.