When do kids meet?
Sundays - Littles, 2s, 3s classes open before service begins. 4s-5th grade classes begin after our 10 am worship time in the santuary. K-5th graders only meet on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of each month. 4th and 5th Sundays are FAMILY SUNDAYS and K-5th students stay with their families for the entire service. Littles-4s meet every Sunday in their respective classrooms.
What ages do you serve?
We serve infants – 5th grade.
Are all the ages in one room?
No, We have separate classes for littles (infants), 2's, 3's, 4's, Kindergarten-1st grade, 2nd-3rd grade, and 4th-5th grades.
Do you have a curriculum you follow?
Kindergarten-1st uses Explore the Bible, 2nd-3rd is working through (we'll update soon, this class is under construction and creation!) and 4th-5th graders are going through the New City Catechism. If your child seems really excited about his/her lessons one month, please let us know!! We welcome and value your feedback on our curriculum choices!
What should I expect on Sunday mornings?
Please stop at the "Check-In" computer on the first floor and print out a name tag and security tag for your child. Be sure the adult's phone number who is in attendance is up to date, the child's class is correct, and any allergies or special needs are listed under each child so teachers are aware. Please ask for help if you need to update anything.
If you are needed for any reason during service, your child's security code will pop up on the screen or a teacher will come to you in the santuary. Remember to present your security tag to the classroom teacher to pick up your child.
We have security measures in place to keep your children safe and allow you to spend meaningful time with God and the church.
Email fellowshipkidsbatesville@gmail.com for more information.
I'm new... What do I do?
As you enter the church our greeters can help you with check-in. At the computer, you can fill out your family information quickly and print a tag for your child and a security tag to keep yourself. If you are visiting for the first time or just seeing friends or family for the day, you can be added to our system as a "Visitor."
Children's Christmas Choir Calendar
Click Here to download the Children's Cristmas Choir Calendar!
I still have questions that haven't been answered...
Please contact our Director of Children's Ministry by email at fellowshipkidsbatesville@gmail.com