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Men's Ministry

Our October men's ministry meeting date was slated (Saturday, October 5th) to fall on the same morning as the Our Father's Table Annual Fundraiser (Steady Steve 5k). Since we are big supporters of them and their mission to help those in need through serving meals and sharing the Gospel, we don't want to compete but rather partner with them. So we are challenging all the men that have been attending our men's ministry to sign-up for the 5k. You can sign-up as a runner or as a walker (so this should make most of us eligible to participate). To make it a little more interesting and fun we will set a reverse challenge to get as many to walk/run as possible, whoever finishes last (from our men that run/walk) will receive a custom t-shirt made in their size with the below Bible verse on it, the steady steve 5k logo, and date of the event: Matthew 20:16 - "So the last will be first, and the first last.”

Here's the link to sign-up:


Mens Ministry Social Media


The Fellowship Bible Church Men's Ministry is a place where men get connected, discipleship occurs, and opportunities to serve in unique ways as men are provided.

We live in a society where men are constantly either being encouraged to live immoral lives and/or to be confused of our roles as given by God to be spiritual leaders. As men we are called to live lives of sacrifice for the betterment of our famiies, communities, and church, but we are to do so as men in everyway. We hope to provide a place where biblical manhood is upheld, encouraged, and applauded.



Come join us as we meet every first Saturday morning of the month at 8:30 AM at the church over coffee and breakfast (unless that month has a different Men's Ministry planned event). We will share a meal and share in a study or topic concerning relevant topics for Christian men (non believers are also welcome to come).



All men 16 years old and up are welcome to attend, some events may focus on more mature topics and would be for men 18 and up (this would be announced ahead of time). Join us and bring a friend!


Get Involved:

We need volunteers, here are some examples of where you can help:

Help cooking breakfast
Help with construction/clean-up events in our community and church (contact Jason MacDonald or John Bob Cody)
*If you desire to get involved contact Jason MacDonald by phone (call or text) 404-573-8528 or by email or reach out to one of the Elders/Pastors of the church who can pass along your information.



John Bob Cody - 936-615-1799

Justin McEntire

Jason MacDonald - 404-573-8528 /

Mens Ministry Slide (1)